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Showing posts from October 28, 2012

Programmatically read the value from web.config file

Here is a situation where you need to keep a key value pair element in the web.config file and read them during the run time. I suggest, better keep key /value pair under <appSettings> element and read it programmatically . <appSettings>   <add key=" LicenseKey " value=" 987jKouterhsk " /> </appSettings> Assume , you have added a license key as above in the web.config file. You need the license key during run time. You can access the license key class named "ConfigurationManager". write a property  called getLicenseKey and return the corresponding license key. public string GetLicenseKey {    get{   return  ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[" LicenseKey "]; } } Now the property GetLicenseKey will have the value 987jKouterhsk. Use this value as per your requirement. -Cheers Pradeepa Achar